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DevTypeScriptTypeScript - Utilities

TypeScript - Utilities


type RegisterFormInput = { name: string email: string password: string address: string phoneNumber: string username: string }

can be written like this:

enum RegisterFormField { name, email, password, address, phoneNumber, username, } type RegisterFormInput = Record<keyof typeof RegisterFormField, string>

or :

enum RegisterFormField { name, email, password, address, phoneNumber, username, } type RegisterFormFieldType = keyof typeof RegisterFormField type RegisterFormInput = { [key in RegisterFormFieldType]: string } /** or */ type RegisterFormInput = Record<RegisterFormFieldType, string>

other examples:

type CardSpecs = { name: string ID: number isPassive: boolean } type CardRarity = 'common' | 'rare' | 'epic' /** can be written like this: enum CardRarityName { common, rare, epic } type CardRarity = keyof typeof CardRarityName; */ type CardCollection = Record<CardRarity, CardSpecs> /** result: type CardCollection = { common: { name: string; ID: number; isPassive: boolean; }; rare: { name: string; ID: number; isPassive: boolean; }; epic: { name: string; ID: number; isPassive: boolean } } */



type RegisterFormInput = { name: string email: string password: string address: string phoneNumber: string username: string } type OptionalRegisterFormInput = { name?: string email?: string password?: string address?: string phoneNumber?: string username?: string }

can be written like this:

type RegisterFormInput = { name: string email: string password: string address: string phoneNumber: string username: string } type OptionalRegisterFormInput = Partial<RegisterFormInput>

reference: TypeScript Docs 

other references:

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