Software Development
VS Code Extensions


Tạo một file có tên typescript-react.code-snippets trong thư mục .vscode để thêm snippet cho CLSX package

// add clsx snippet
  "Element with clsx": {
    "prefix": "cl",
    "body": ["<${1:div} className={clsx('$2')}>$0</${1:div}>"]

VSCode Extensions

Material Theme Icons (opens in a new tab)Material Design Icons for Visual Studio Code
vscode-icons (opens in a new tab)another icons theme for VS Code
Prettier (opens in a new tab)Code formatter using prettier
Bracket Pair Colorizer (opens in a new tab)colorizing matching brackets, customizable. Really useful for code readbility
Indent-Rainbow (opens in a new tab)Makes indentation easier to read
Markdown Preview (opens in a new tab)Markdown Preview Enhanced ported to vscode
EmojiSense (opens in a new tab)Adds suggestions and autocomplete for emoji
ES7 React Snippets (opens in a new tab)Simple extensions for React, Redux and Graphql in JS/TS with ES7 syntax
Ionic Snippets (opens in a new tab)Ionic snippets for VS Code
Svelte (opens in a new tab)Svelte language support for VS Code
SnipSnap (opens in a new tab)Code snippets for React, Gatsby, Next.js, Redux and more
TailwindCSS Intellisense (opens in a new tab)Intelligent Tailwind CSS tooling for VS Code
Code Time (opens in a new tab)Provides programming metrics right in Visual Studio Code.
Git Graph (opens in a new tab)View a Git Graph of your repository, and perform Git actions from the graph.
VSCode Conventional Commits (opens in a new tab)Conventional Commits for VSCode.
MDX (opens in a new tab)Provides syntax highlighting and bracket matching for MDX (JSX in Markdown) files.
Auto Rename Tag (opens in a new tab)Auto rename paired HTML/XML tag


Dracula Theme (opens in a new tab)Theme yêu thích của tôi.


Headwind (opens in a new tab)Sắp xếp lại thứ tự nhất quán của các class
Tailwind CSS IntelliSense (opens in a new tab)Trải nghiệm Tailwind ở môi trường phát triển với các tính năng nâng cao như AutoComplete, syntax highlighting và Lining.

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