Software Development


Frameworks - Libraries

Framework / LibraryDescription
Bulma (opens in a new tab)Great CSS Framework alternative to Bootstrap
Saleor (opens in a new tab)GraphQL-First E-Commerce platform framework
Evergreen UI (opens in a new tab)React UI Framework by Segment
Chakra UI (opens in a new tab)React Component Library
Aleph.js (opens in a new tab)The React framework in Deno.

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Public API ListsLooking for public API for learning / fun building?
- public-apis (opens in a new tab)
- another one (opens in a new tab)
Public APIs (opens in a new tab)A directory of Free Public & Open REST APIs

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Best Practices

Conventional Commits (opens in a new tab)A specification for adding human and machine readable meaning to commit messages
Conventional Comments (opens in a new tab)Comments that are easy to grok and grep
Node best practices (opens in a new tab)The Node.js best practices list
Clean Code JavaScript (opens in a new tab)Clean Code concepts adapted for JavaScript
Clean Code TypeScript (opens in a new tab)Clean Code concepts adapted for TypeScript

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